Your Connection With The Right Mentors And The Right Conversations Designed To Help You Live The Good Life
You Grow Into The Conversations Around You
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Meet Your Guide
I’m a Husband, Dad, and Entrepreneur who is on a journey, like many of you, to live a good life!
I met Geoff Woods, Founder of The Mentee & VP of The One Thing, in 2017 and became intentional about growing my relationships with others who could mentor me and help me become a better leader to those in my world.
Fast forward a few years and now I get to be behind the mic!
This opportunity has been in the making my entire life!
Through many trials and struggles growing up, I always had a vision of becoming a great Husband, Father, and Entrepreneur. I’ve been on this journey now for over 20 years and live to talk about it!
Jim Rohan said, “you’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”.
Looking back over the last 20 years, I can see this ‘law’ in every situation I encountered. Through the failures and the successes.
I have a passion to help others learn from my mistakes and to be exposed to opportunities to Live A Good Life. That’s exactly what I will continue to build upon as The Mentee grows to help more folks, just like you, achieve their goals in life, family, and business.
I will bring massive value through exposure to Mentors, Conversations, Trainings, and Connections!
This opportunity is a big deal to me and one I don’t take for granted.
I look forward to seeing you in the community!
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“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”